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Study Methods/September 2023 LSAT

mkultra2002mkultra2002 Core Member
edited July 2023 in September 2023 LSAT 9 karma

Hi! I've recently started taking my lsat studying seriously (I started studying end of may and have consistently been working for about 5 hours per day which I will continue for the next few months). I'm wondering what LSAT exam I should be taking. My diagnostic score was a 157 untimed (I'm an anxious person in general so I'm sure if I took it timed right now my score would decrease). I am hoping to increase overall to a 165ish, and I am wondering how long that generally takes to achieve that score increase. I know this stuff isn't linear, but I'm looking for a general idea. I haven't really had anyone to guide me through this process at all (applications, LSAT prep, or otherwise), and I thought that taking the LSAT in October would be perfectly normal, but I'm now realizing that maybe it's not if I would like to apply to schools by December of this year. I don't know if I'm on the right track at all, so any guidance would be greatly appreciated! #helpme #inquiry

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