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Main Conclusion/Point Questions

cdemers2931cdemers2931 Alum Member

Hi, looking for tips on MC questions. The source of my dilemma I think is that for the RC MC questions, the answer tends to encompass the passage as a whole instead of a short/explicit answer of the conclusion. Consequently, during LR MC/MP questions, sometime I fall victim to AC's that contain a qualifier of the conclusion/more encompassing. Does anyone do the same and any tips on how to fix this?

My analytics indicate my accuracy is about 11% lower on LR MC questions relative to my score, and so improvements to this question type will really help me!


  • cdemers2931cdemers2931 Alum Member
    30 karma

    NOTE: This could be due to differences between main points and main conclusion questions, although I've seen some people say they treat them the same with positive results. Could anyone elaborate on this point as well?

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