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Logic Games HELP

legallymadzlegallymadz Alum Member
in Logic Games 34 karma

Logic games has consistently been my weakest point. I find that I have developed a sort of "block" to them (when I get to that section I freeze and almost immediately give up). I can understand them for the most part when watching videos and follow along, but it becomes a problem when I attempt to do a drill. Does anyone have any suggestions to help this? I have tried reteaching myself game board set ups multiple times but I still do not feel confident in HOW they should be. Any encouragement or advice would be much appreciated!


  • elicanales23elicanales23 Alum Member
    9 karma

    sometimes, when watching videos, I will sort of do the game in chunks. sort of a "now you try" approach like in grade school. here's an example of how that may look like

    -I pull up the video and pause at the start.
    -I read the game and its rules and then attempt to set up and make as many deductions as I can.
    -I play and see how J.Y. sets it up, comparing it to mine.
    -Pause. I make any changes to my set up that are necessary. this could be something as simple as representing a rule more clearly, or it could be a giant inference that I completely missed. it is crucial to make your setup EXACTLY the same as his. LG is my strongest section and something I have learned (at least for me) is that JYs way is the correct way. something as seemingly insignificant as a different way to represent the same rule, or the same game board can make a HUGE difference. his way is the best and will yield results if imitated. I think this step is super important because understanding that his setup/system works is a completely different thing than physically altering mine to look like his. I feel like the latter is a good way to really ingrain the techniques and methodology in my skull.
    -I play the video with the correct setup on my paper (skip this step when he goes straight into the questions)
    -I pause at Q1 attempt to do the first question, with the new JY setup on my paper. you would be surprised how much of a difference this new setup sometimes makes. sometimes, after setting it up the JY way, I can just steamroll through the questions.
    -I play the video and pause at Q2 and repeat!

    it is important to see how JY gets the questions right (even though steamrolling through a once failed game by yourself with the new setup can feel amazing and empowering), because of his way of thinking. oftentimes, he will shed light on a shortcut that can get you to an answer choice quicker i.e. "Answer choices A and E are both identical floaters, and would be affected the exact same way, and can't both be right therefore they both have to wrong.

    I think this way of learning kind of combines both drilling and watching. the more you do this, the more and more your setups and way of thinking will start to reflect his. the only thing that isn't really there is the pressure of time... and for this I would say don't even focus on the time for right now. the time will sort itself out with enough practice.

    good luck!

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