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RC Slump Tips (-3-5)

tiptonmaudetiptonmaude Core Member

I am consistently missing 3 to 5 on RC and I am unable to get it down to a -0-2~3 range. Has anyone been in this situation and are you willing to share tips for getting over the hump?

I take notes for each paragraph, try to highlight wrong portions of answers. I seem to miss analogy questions a lot and I noticed that every time I change my answer I tend to get it wrong. I feel like I need to be disciplined about changing my answer from my gut instinct, but I seem to convince myself that I should change it every time.



  • maco4538maco4538 Alum Member
    323 karma

    I had the same issue with changing my answer. I am assuming you selected the right answer, not because you thought it was right, but you instinctually knew that the other four were wrong. I am willing to bet that in situations like this you were stuck between two answers, you decided based on which answer was less likely to be wrong, even though you could not think through why it was more likely to be right. Don't trust your gut to pick the right answer; instead, trust that is already recognized the wrong answers. So, whenever you feel like changing your answer, just remember that your gut already warned you that the other answers were wrong.

    My other tip involves maximizing points. Let's face it, missed questions are inevitable in the section, but we ultimately get to decide which questions we are okay with getting wrong. For instance, if your weakness is analogy questions, consider skipping them outright. For every question you are willing to skip you gain an extra 45-90 seconds to get another question right. Try skipping 1 or 2 questions - especially the super lengthy ones - don't even read the answers, just pick one, flag it a move on. If you have extra time and no other questions flagged, then go for it.

  • tiptonmaudetiptonmaude Core Member
    62 karma

    Hey! Thanks for your reply maco! I appreciate the tip. I started to do this thing too where i just do not change it unless i am absolutely more confident that the other answer is right. If im stuck between two and really can't see which is better then i keep my first pick. Whereas before i would frantically switch back and fourth at the end and essentially guess. Esp in LR. That's a good tip to trust that my gut felt that something was wrong about the wrong AC. Thanks a ton.

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