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Score not improving despite feeling more confident and having improved in logical reasoning.

CurveDestroyerCurveDestroyer Alum Member
in General 30 karma

Hi, I'm planning to take the September LSAT with a target score of 168-170. (Ideally 170 but I'm not sure if that's realistic at this point.)

My first diagnostic test, without doing any core curriculum, was 164 (I majored in Computer Science, so I was pretty familiar with logics to begin with). This was in early June, about two months ago.
Now I have taken about 6 more PTs since I finished my core curriculum about a month ago. One of them was 170, but the others were consistently 166-167.

I know it has improved a bit, but the improvements came from LG, going from average -4 to -1. The lack of improvements in RC I understand a little more, since RC is generally the hardest to improve, but my score in LR has either stayed the same, or even got worse (ranging from -4 to -7).

This is worrying me quite a bit because I have been focusing mainly on LR; I worked a lot on dividing the section into the first 15 and last 10, timing strategy, and going back to CCs. Before, I had barely any time to do the last three questions or go over other questions at the end. Now I fly thorugh the first 15 ( except for maybe 1 or 2 harder questions) and I have a plenty of time to do the harder questions. There are even times that I have like 6-7 minutes left at the end of an LR section to look over certain questions one more time. I finish the sections way more confident than ever, but the results are so inconsistent. I usually get 1 easier question wrong, and the rest are from the last 10, ranging from 3 to 6 wrong answers. But even though I have improved in skills (better reasoning skills, hunting for the answer, skipping, timing, etc.), my score stayed the same or even got worse.

I have a month left now, and I want to get at least 168 on this... Do you think this lack of improvement in score is from just not having taken enough PTs yet, or do you think maybe because I was familiar with logic in the beginning, I did not have a lot of room to improve in the first place?

I have put in a lot of work for two months, but it's so discouraging not seeing my score imporve...


  • rdyoung12rdyoung12 Alum Member
    edited August 2023 306 karma

    I'm way below your scoring range so I can't comment on how to increase but perhaps the math just works against you at the extreme ends of the bell curve, which LSAT is graded on a bell curve. So perhaps going from 168 to 170 requires a lot more correct answers than going from 158 to 160. So perhaps one more correct answer wouldn't even move your score, even though you ARE improving in raw score. Perhaps someone else can explain better.

    difficult to increase at high score due to bell curve

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