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MelissaMMelissaM Alum Member

Hi All,

When is a good time to ask for a recommendation? I’m not sure when I will apply to schools, but I graduated June 2022 and have been working full-time since. Should I ask my professors (that I had a year ago) now even though I don’t know the specific time I will apply? Ideally, it will be by November of this year, but it will probably be later this or next year. Also, how did you write your asking email?

Thank you,


  • Clemens_Clemens_ Live Member
    299 karma

    Consider asking your professors as soon as possible so that they still remember you. Ideally, try to schedule a personal meeting, e.g. in an office hour or over Zoom.

    Also, LSAC's online portal for recommendation letters is a little bit weird, consider familiarizing yourself with it before contacting your letter writers!

  • jameelyusuf1994jameelyusuf1994 Free Trial Member
    9 karma

    Definitely get a rec letter from them. It doesn't hurt to ask in advanced! Also, if you're allowed to submit a second rec letter, ask for one from your current employer.

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