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Sending positive vibes for August test takers

Started working through CC in January this year and have increased my score by 25 points since then. I took the June test and the night before that one I posted a similar discussion wishing everyone luck and reminding everyone that mentality is SO important going into this. When I took my June test I sadly had a medical condition flare up. I sat through the test anyway and sadly was not able to perform at my best. However, I am not letting that stop me from annihilating this test tomorrow. You heard it here first: I scored over a 173 and am confidently applying to my dream schools. Feel free to claim your scores here as well -- and remember -- you are ready and you got this!

Sending an anxiety free and dare I say... fun... test your way this weekend. Hope y'all enjoyed my commentary on the CC and the PTs, it's been lit.


  • MysterionMysterion Alum Member
    12 karma

    Wishing the best for you and everyone taking the test this weekend! We got this! We'll get the score we are hoping for 🙏🏼

  • bigschoenbigschoen Alum Member
    8 karma

    Appreciate the good vibes, sending em back your way too. We got this!

  • kingjulienkingjulien Live Member
    33 karma

    best of luck friends!

  • Belle RossBelle Ross Alum Member
    14 karma

    We got this, guys!! Remember to drink plenty of water, get a good dinner, and get plenty of rest. Cramming tonight will only tire you out!!

  • vanessa.crespo09vanessa.crespo09 Live Member
    12 karma

    Good luck everyone! Be confident in your answer choices and DO NOT Change them last minute!

  • LegallyLilyLegallyLily Alum Member
    22 karma

    WE GOT THIS! Apply everything you've learned...this is our time to shine!! we can do it.

  • LSAT so I could runLSAT so I could run Alum Member
    51 karma

    This didn’t age well. Never got to take it. Thanks ProMetric!

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