Please explain step 2 AKA Identify 2 main ideas/events etc?

Lulu KitanaLulu Kitana Live Member
edited August 2023 in Logical Reasoning 6 karma

Most of the claims I see have only 1 concept, not 2 main ideas/events. So, when it comes to "Step 2) Identify the two main concepts (or groups, categories, events or ideas)" in a claim, such as "Each and every member of the Q continuum is omnipotent", I don't see the 2 main concepts/ideas/events.

PLS HELP me understand: I don't see 2 main ideas/events, I see 1. So I'm thinking about step 2 wrong ---HOW can I think about step 2 so that no matter the claim I can see the 2 main ideas/events clearly? (especially one's that only resemble 1 idea, such as the one above or "The only monkeys are the one’s that live in trees")


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