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August Score Release and Advice

ev2k1ev2k1 Alum Member
in General 109 karma

Hey, y’all. I took the LSAT in August and my score came back today with a 140. It’s not what I wanted, but it’s also not the worst that it could have been. I’m shooting for a 155 and want to retake it in a couple of months.

What’s the best strategy from here to prepare for a retake? Thanks!


  • AlexLSAT.AlexLSAT. Alum Member
    802 karma

    Have you gone through the Core Curriculum yet? If not, that's where I would start.

    What is your worst and best section?

  • ev2k1ev2k1 Alum Member
    109 karma

    I was able to finish the foundation, LG and RC sections of the core curriculum. Does LSAC break down what was your best and worst section? LG was my shakiest, so I’m planning on just doing drills and pretests!

  • trapwelltrapwell Alum Member
    11 karma

    To start, get through the entire core curriculum. You've completed the cc for LG and RC? What about LR? The entire test, every section, builds off of logic (LR). It's the foundation of the exam. Without a strong grasp of logic, your other sections will suffer. Once you've got through the entire cc, then I'd write a PT to gauge where you're at. From there you can tailor drills to your weak questions/sections, and I'd commit to writing at least one PT a week. Lots of drilling and PTing later, and you'll smash through your 155 target. The test is learnable, anyone can do well, it's just a matter of discipline and commitment. Commit to being disciplined! LOL. Wish you the best.

  • ev2k1ev2k1 Alum Member
    109 karma

    I’m at 138/554 for the LR section. Would you do LR and drills at the same time? I’m looking at the January date, but would consider earlier.

  • AlexLSAT.AlexLSAT. Alum Member
    802 karma

    @ev2k1 said:
    I’m at 138/554 for the LR section. Would you do LR and drills at the same time? I’m looking at the January date, but would consider earlier.

    I would first finish the CC. After, I would do 1-2 PTs a week with blind review. When you're done with a practice test, try to fully understand your mistakes. Watch the videos on 7sage and thoroughly go through each question, understanding why the right answer is correct and the wrong ones are wrong. After this, drill the question types and sections you are the weakest at.

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