Disclosed LSATS - 2023/24 Cycle

kavanaghpatrick8kavanaghpatrick8 Alum Member
in General 32 karma

Hi all - I hope everyone who took the September test received a score they are happy with/proud of. If not, keep going! I wanted to make this post to see if anyone had any information on disclosed tests for the 2023/24 cycle (i.e. tests where you get a PDF copy of the test itself, the answer key + your answers, and a score breakdown by section). I read on "manhattanreview.com" that the September test (along with November & June) would be disclosed, but there is no date on the article I read nor any link/source to back this up. If anyone has any info, please let me know! I know they haven't disclosed a test in a while now, but getting to review this test before my final October try would be great! Thanks in advance.


  • nush2020nush2020 Core Member
    9 karma

    I was also wondering the same thing because I don't see anywhere on LSAC any information about whether Sept one was disclosed/nondisclosed or any information regarding my answer sheet next to my score release.

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