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LR Question

danlsatmandanlsatman Core Member

Currently scoring -8-6 in LR. Would ideally like to get that closer to -5-3 before the November test. I know I’m stretching it, but what would the best way to do that be?

4 to 5 of my wrong questions tend to be at the end of the section 4 or 5 star question. Should I just drill that level of question? Would a tutor make a difference in this short of a time?

Thanks for any help!


  • AlexLSAT.AlexLSAT. Alum Member
    edited October 2023 807 karma

    I would do a few things:
    1) get your questions 1-15 perfect. Seems like you're pretty close, but if you can cut a few early mistakes you'll be at 4-5 wrong.
    2) Once you do step 1, speed up on the early questions. I aim for 15 minutes for the first 15 questions, but figure out a time that works for you. This allows you to spend more time on the hard questions.
    3) On the hard questions, read EVERY word carefully. I can't even count how many of the end of section questions have subtle trap answer choices. The LSAT writers want you to be pushed for time towards the end, overlook a word, and choose a trap AC.

    You can train this with a few drills:
    - 5-7 minutes drill on first 10 questions... this will help with your timing on easy questions. Read stim > predict AC > find it and move on... it will save time.
    - superset (last 12-13 questions of two LR sets combined)... this will help with pattern recognition and timing on harder questions, and will give you confidence because the real test will feel easier.

    Let me know if you need any more help. I did the above methods and now sit at around -1 to -2 from a -13.

    You got this!

    Also, I think a tutor would definitely help, and a month is more than enough time to improve from a -8 to -5.

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