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How much can I improve by January?

wannabe_ellewoodswannabe_ellewoods Alum Member
in General 41 karma

After 1 year+ of studying for the LSAT, I feel devastated. I just recieved my October LSAT score - 162. In January I got 162 (cancelled) -> 160 in September (cancelled) -> and now 162 again. I thought I could get at least a 165 and feel at a loss because clearly I haven't been studying right for the past year.
I am almost done with my law school applications and intend to apply in the next two weeks. Is it even worth registering for the January LSAT? I'm not sure how much I could improve by then and it would more be for the purpose of having a better score if I was waitlisted or for scholarships... Also, I'm abroad currently so can only take the January international exam.
I am SO done with this awful exam. BTW I am a split scorer - 3.92 GPA and 162 LSAT. I want to get into a T14/20.
What do I do now? Should I just give up and apply with my 162 and hope for the best? I genuinely don't know how I can improve and I just feel like I can't get this test right.

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