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Should I give up? :(

wannabe_ellewoodswannabe_ellewoods Alum Member
in General 41 karma

After 1 year+ of studying for the LSAT, I feel devastated. I just recieved my October LSAT score - 162. In January I got 162 (cancelled) -> 160 in September (cancelled) -> and now 162 again. I thought I could get at least a 165 and feel at a loss because clearly I haven't been studying right for the past year.
I am almost done with my law school applications and intend to apply in the next two weeks. Is it even worth registering for the January LSAT? I'm not sure how much I could improve by then and it would more be for the purpose of having a better score if I was waitlisted or for scholarships... Also, I'm abroad currently so can only take the January international exam.
I am SO done with this awful exam. BTW I am a split scorer - 3.92 GPA and 162 LSAT. I want to get into a T14/20.
What do I do now? Should I just give up and apply with my 162 and hope for the best? I genuinely don't know how I can improve and I just feel like I can't get this test right.


  • il-legally-brunetteil-legally-brunette Core Member
    275 karma

    I'm so sorry you are feeling so defeated. That does not mean you weren't studying right so please don't discredit the hours and hours of hard work you have put into this. Your score is still awesome. Coming from someone with the same GPA and same hopes of T14/20, I get your frustration and feeling of defeat. I'm sure you are not alone. I don't know the solution, but here is some questions to ask yourself:
    1. Is your lsat falling into the median of any of the schools you would want to go to? Or close enough where your gpa would help?
    2. What were your PT scores looking like before you took the real deal in OCT? Was it way higher? Was it roughly the same? If it was way higher, than odds are the testing anxiety is what's getting to you.
    3. Have you noticed clear patterns in your scores / in what you got points off of? Is this pattern something you truly think you can break / get better at your mistakes?
    4. Would you consider applying now, seeing what happens, and retaking/reapplying the next cycle if needed? Do you need to go this cycle?

  • Nam NguyenNam Nguyen Core Member
    22 karma

    Never back down, never give up. I believe in you and all of your abilities. Your score is amazing, you worked hard to study for this test. You should feel proud of your accomplishments, not look down on them. You can't change the past, but you can change the future. I can't necessarily provide any advice to score better or give some reflection points, but I just want to say that I believe in you and you accomplished great things. Best of luck on everything.

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