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Need advice!! 142 on LSAT & 3.70 CAS GPA

Madison SMadison S Live Member
in General 16 karma

Needing help. I have taken the LSAT twice (June 2023 & November 2023). I have received the same score (142) on both and am deciding whether to still apply before the end of this year. Thoughts? I know I could re-take the LSAT in Jan. or Feb. but I feel like I am not scoring high enough since I am still in undergraduate and trying to study for both is difficult to do. I also do not want to have to take a gap year/semester.


  • egunnegunn Core Member
    edited November 2023 24 karma

    How are you studying? Also, where are you trying to go? My concern with sticking with the 142 and pushing to apply later is that your chances of getting into to a very competitive school without work experience to boost you up are slimmer.

    I took the LSAT 3x . Got a 154 twice but third time was the charm and I got a 164. Also, against my initial wishes, I chose to gain work experience and not go directly into law school. I encourage waiting. Get the best grades you can and enjoy your senior year. After you graduate, you will have time to do the final push after drilling and practice tests every weekend.

    It will take sacrifice but I am confident you can get into the 150s if you do this :). Your third shot is your last (idk I feel that after three times you may seem more sus) and you deserve to give yourself the best shot you can. There is no rush and it seems that law schools actually prefer applicants who work and are absolutely certain about law (this also helps if you have lower creds). Good luck with whatever you decide!

  • AlexLSAT.AlexLSAT. Alum Member
    edited November 2023 807 karma

    Retake and apply next cycle or late this cycle if you improve enough. KJD to law school with a 142 is going to be tough, and if you do get in to some schools, you probably won't get scholarship money. Your 3.7 cGPA shows that you can do better on this test, you just need to put some more effort into it. Figure out what schools you want to go to, and avoid taking it again until you're testing around their medians or higher. Taking the gap year is worth it if you can get a full ride, and a 3.7 GPA is more than enough to get a full ride to a lot of schools assuming you bump that LSAT up.

    You got this!

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