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Creative License Use in Personal Statements- is this okay?

AmyC.oh16AmyC.oh16 Live Member

So I am pretty happy with my personal statement, but it does use certain creative liberties to add to the flow and story telling. It includes some fragmented sentences for emphasis points, as well as some general use of creative license with grammar and sentence structure. These sentences I'm referring to aren't correct by the standards of a strict English teacher, but would be employed in a novel for storytelling purposes and are generally 'good'. I really want to keep these sentences because I feel like they add so much to the story. I am wondering about the degree to which creative license can be employed in personal statements-if at all. Please help.


  • sarahislamsarahislam Alum Member
    116 karma

    I did the same thing too and everyone who looked over it said it was fine. I see alot of this when people quote conversations in their personal statements and are looking to capture the vernacular style of what was said in the convo. As long as it appears as a conscious narrative choice and not an actual grammar mistake in your writing then it probably is fine.

  • AmyC.oh16AmyC.oh16 Live Member
    33 karma

    @sarahislam Thank you!! this is super helpful and made me feel a lot better

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