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How to get my mojo back? Help!

Char BarbieChar Barbie Live Member
in General 50 karma

I’ve been studying for a while (longer than 6 months) and right before the Jan test everything began to really click for me. I was scoring in the high 150s and so close to the 160s consistently. I even became so confident to where I could actually explain why all answers were right/wrong. Y’all I literally started from a 120…anyways I listened to my partner and stopped studying for a few days and I feel like I’ve lost it. I went from -6 on LR to -13, it’s embarrassing. I take feb test soon and I was hoping to break into 160s by then. Help!


  • donkey takes the lsatdonkey takes the lsat Alum Member
    22 karma


  • lucasjameszieglerlucasjamesziegler Core Member
    380 karma

    Sounds like you are probably in your head about it. You do not magically forget the skill, but instead are probably focusing on the wrong things.

    When I get in this funk, I go back to the basics of slowing down and making sure I understand the argument before going into answer choices.

  • AlexLSAT.AlexLSAT. Alum Member
    802 karma

    Do some untimed work! Get your groove back and then go into timed stuff again.

  • AndraxelaAndraxela Live Member
    10 karma

    I would recommend doing either (1) Daily focus drill, for example, Monday do the 10 in 10 (10 LR questions in 10 mins) and do a few sections on that focused on LR only. Then Tuesday to RC drill, 2 passages at a time, then 3, then 4. The Wed. do LG drills. Start with just unlimited time, timing your set up time only and not the questions, then get a clean set of the same game and do it again until your set up is less than the target time, then do the questions x3. This builds momentum. or you can do (2) Do an untimed test. A full test, but do it as if it were blind review. Do not go to the next question until you feel 100% about the answer choice. Take notes on what is giving you trouble. Then look at the score and what you got wrong and drill those.

    Good luck! Sending you all the best energy.

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