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Studying when Burnt Out (outside of LSAT prep)

polar.robepolar.robe Live Member
in General 16 karma

I've studied off and on for the LSATs for a while, but never seem to stick to it. I take a PT, get super excited about my score, then spent 2-3 weeks spending all my time focusing on it. Then around that 3-4 week mark, I start making excuses like "my brain just isn't in the right place" until I stop completely.

I don't want to do that anymore. That said, I've started working fulltime and have much less time to spend studying for the LSATs than I used to. I can force myself to study before work starts, yet I'm usually still waking up at this time and don't feel like my mind is all there. If I tell myself I'll study later when I'm more attentive, but I can't keep my focus on it later at night and can only spend half an hour or so on it. I'm taking ADHD meds but primarily for my work day, since I don't want to get fired.

My question is, is there a point to studying when tired? Is it better to spend more time in the morning when I'm not fully awake, or less time when I am but don't have 100% of my attention on it?

I know neither is ideal, but I want to actually stick to this and have it mean something rather than throwing my time away.


  • lucasjameszieglerlucasjamesziegler Alum Member
    385 karma

    When running into this issue, sometimes less is more. I would start with consistently focusing on 1 quality hour a day and then build from there.

    I typically do an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon. Weekends I will take a test and review.

    If you feel yourself getting burnt out after 3-4 weeks, take a few days off and re-charge.

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