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Order of studying

kindashammas9kindashammas9 Alum Member
in General 8 karma

Should I go through the foundation then grammar section then start practice testing (btw Im going to be sitting for the August version of the exam (no logic games). Can anyone help out with the order of how I should be studying.


  • maxkrumanmaxkruman Alum Member
    175 karma

    I think the best way of studying is seeing questions and learning from your mistakes

  • il-legally-brunetteil-legally-brunette Core Member
    275 karma

    This was my order: diagnostic --> core curriculum foundations --> core curric. LR --> drilling LR --> core curric. RC --> drilling RC --> drilling both sections --> began weekly PTS and drilled based on weak areas from each PT, reviewed related lessons as needed

  • Gmr160601Gmr160601 Live Member
    edited March 2024 4 karma

    I started just going through the course in the order it was presented, while doing drills for the section I was on in between. Once I finished the course I would do a PT once a week until a few weeks before the test when I started doing them twice, also while doing drills in between. Honestly as long as you learn all of the material and are able to execute in one way or another, the order doesn't matter too much. However, I would do the course before doing any practice tests, besides maybe 1 to see where you stand before and after tackling the course.

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