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Timing & Processing Issues

GettinOutDaHoodGettinOutDaHood Live Member
edited March 18 in General 26 karma

As soon as I start to read questions my brain starts to melt and mush. I have to reread the first sentence so many times to actually dial in, and beyond that point I usually have to read the who stimulus/passage 3-5 times to actually have a grasp of it. I feel like I cannot process the information fast enough and that has been the issue for me for some time.

I'm embarrassed to say it but with the time allotted (35min) I usually can only finished about 10-12 questions per section. The only way I can actually finish a section is by skimming and guessing. I actually got some time accommodations (thankfully), but I am only able to finish a few more questions with the extra time. I leave about 9 questions blank.

I feel very insecure about how my brain works and how my processing speed is regarding this stuff. Does anyone have experience with this? I have the KNOWLEDGE, and I have the SKILLS & TOOLS (I could use of course more practice), however I'm worried about my inability to apply what I know, because in order for me to apply my skills I have to be able to READ and FOCUS and PROCESS quickly!! Help? Tell me I'm not alone...

Does this happen to you?
  1. Yes, but I finish sections1 vote
    1. Yes, and I cannot even finish half the section
    2. No, But I do get flustered
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