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Question stimulus "jittering" Alum Member
edited April 2024 in Technical Problems 108 karma

Hi, I encountered a technical problem during my practice test. I had no time for a screenshot, but what happened was that the left-hand question stimulus was jittering, and the sentences were rearranging themselves. It happened only once, during 1 game in a single LG section. See below example to see what I mean.

One moment the stimulus would look like this:
No two films can be released
on the same date. The release schedule is
governed by...

And one second later, this would be rearranged to:
No two films can be released on the
same date. The release schedule is governed

And so on & forth, making the stimulus extremely hard to read and making it a huge distraction throughout the entire game. I just want to make sure this doesn't happen again, so putting it here. Thanks in advance to the immensely helpful administrators!


  • jstuartleachjstuartleach Live Member
    14 karma

    This was happening to me. What worked was switching the format using the two column menu item temporarily till I finished that game, then switched back for the rest of the section.

  • Agnes - Student ServiceAgnes - Student Service Member Moderator
    208 karma

    Hi there,

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention and I am sorry for the trouble.

    I have sent you an email to address this issue. Please check you email inbox. Let me know if you did not receive it. Thank you.

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