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Tips on Improving Timed Score by June 2024 Test??

BaZingsK8rBaZingsK8r Core Member
edited April 2024 in June 2024 LSAT 15 karma

Hi! I've been studying for approximately 6 months - I scored a 157 Oct 2023, then a 155 Nov 2023 (my fault, I was burnt out by the time I did the Oct that I wasn't mentally prepared for Nov). My highest timed PT has been a 163, but it fluctuates from 156-163, yet my BRs are usually 165+. Timing seems to be my kryptonite. It's not really a matter of running out of time, it's a matter of rushing and missing vital information whilst timed. Any tips on improving my timed score? I usually spend 2-3 hours per day studying, and on weekends I try to do 3-4. Despite that time allocated, I feel like I barely get any practice in, as BR and review takes up a chunk of time. I believe I understand the concepts, but it all fades away when the clock's ticking.

I've been doing 3-section PTs from the PrepTests section, and plan to do a simulation LSAT 4-section PT (1 experimental) this weekend. I've tried timed and untimed drills, but haven't noticed any improvement. Please let me know if you other methods to improve timing!

LR and RC are the consistent sections throwing me for a loop when timed.

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