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Just Graduated Undergrad With a low GPA. Give me your thoughts.

alimeslat13alimeslat13 Core Member
in General 4 karma

I just graduated from undergrad this weekend. I want to be a lawyer and go to law school. My final GPA was a 3.1. If I do really well on the LSAT, would I still be able to go to a T25/T30 school? I know it'll be a handicap in my application, but is there any chance?


  • rosales071989rosales071989 Free Trial Member
    edited May 2024 2 karma

    I recommend re-taking those courses you did poorly and try to get a higher mark. The average GPA for Law School admission is 3.7. Don’t get frustrated, lots of successful lawyers become lawyers in their late 30’s or 40’s. Don’t rush , enjoy the process.

  • doka flodoka flo Alum Member
    63 karma

    You can definitely still run with your GPA! Important thing for you now is to kill the LSAT, figure out what you want your career in law to be and see what schools from the T25/T30 align with your goals! You are in no way out of the running and, as long as you work towards it, you'll be able to find p l e n t y of opportunities in this field.

  • aneeshpatel425aneeshpatel425 Alum Member
    13 karma

    i feel like it really doesn't matter all that much if you go to a top law school, just like it doesn't matter if you go to a top undergrad university. at a certain point, nobody gives a shit what you did when you were a kid

  • kanikapatelkanikapatel Live Member
    20 karma

    I think you should focus on getting in the mid/ high 170s on the LSAT and write an amazing personal statement

  • Older_LS_Applicant85Older_LS_Applicant85 Alum Member
    211 karma

    Do well on the LSAT (165 and above) and you've got a decent shot at a school in the 25 to 50 rank. Now, another option would be to improve your softs: work for a year or two, volunteer for an extended period, intern/clerk in a law related position, work on a political campaign, etc. Then write a great personal statement, get some letters of recommendation, and maybe take a course or two in a law related program. Then do well on the LSAT (165 and above) and perhaps you can break into the Top 25.

  • hendrickshendricks Live Member
    408 karma

    The good news is that there are fewer people with high LSATs than high GPAs, so if you grind it out and work hard on the LSAT, you can still get into an excellent school.
    Consider your application as a product - because this is ultimately a marketplace. Why would an admissions officer 'buy' what you're selling. There are plenty of people in the 3.8 - 3.9 range with 165-170 LSATs. It's not a foregone conclusion that they will get admitted to where they want to go. So reflect on your experience and how you might sell it.

  • 199 karma

    That is actually NOT a low GPA it is still a B. Getting a good LSAT score though is great and will open up plenty of opportunities. Just make sure you explain the GPA in the admissions process. You will be fine.

  • WashingtonDCgalWashingtonDCgal Live Member
    edited May 2024 74 karma

    I had the same fear over my GPA until I followed around some lawyers. Turns out the most successful attorney I met, well, nobody could tell me what school he went to. They knew he was good at what he does, that he had a great rapport with VA courts, and an impressive track record of clients.
    So, let's aim to be a great attorney over a great school attended. It seems to be the bigger focus long term :)

  • JosianenganduJosianengandu Core Member
    edited May 2024 6 karma

    I attended the LSAC Forum event and one of the Yale Law School admission person said that the lowest GPA they admitted was a 3.2, hope this makes you feel better. I agree with the comments above, try to do really well on the LSATs and you'd have a fair shot, and shoot your shot with all Law schools you want to go to, literally the worst they can say is no. Good Luck :smile: !

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