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June LSAT 2024 3 sections or 4 sections?

jainanika53jainanika53 Core Member
in General 7 karma

Is the June LSAT going to be 3 sections or 4 sections? I keep getting different answers and just wanted to make sure.


  • Mary - Student ServiceMary - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    768 karma

    Hi, @jainanika53! The June 2024 test will have a total of 4 sections. The multiple-choice portion will consist of one Logical Reasoning section, one Reading Comprehension section, one Logic Games section, and one unscored (experimental) section, which could be any of the three section types.

  • mirabambmirabamb Live Member
    53 karma

    Hi @jainanika53! Just to add on here, about 99% sure the experimental will NOT be LG, as LG is being removed from future test so there is no reason to have experimental sections with it anymore. This is the info I've read and heard. Expect your unscored to be LR or RC

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