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Comparative RC: Should I do two passes at the questions?

iflsatthen180iflsatthen180 Core Member

I've watched some of JY's video explanations of comparative rc passages, and in each one, he suggests reading the first passage, going through the questions and eliminating what doesn't fit, and then going to the second passage, then going back to the questions and selecting final answers. I see the intuition behind this strategy and have tried applying it, however I notice that I end up taking significantly longer on comparative passages than other reading comp passages, even when the content is more mild in terms of readability. So I was just wondering if other people find that this method doesn't work for them and whether they find more success reverting back to the traditional way of doing RC? I know everyone's different when it comes to rc, but I'm mainly wondering whether maybe this strategy is something more concrete like LR strategies, or if it truly is just preference. Thanks!

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