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Do Canadian Law Schools Look at Transcripts from the School you Transferred From?

ssvilanezssvilanez Core Member

Hi! I was wondering if anyone was in a similar position or can help guide me in my current situation. I did two years of undergrad at one Canadian university, and then I transferred to another. Since not all my credits transferred over, and because I did not complete a full course-load in my second year of undergrad, I have to do an additional fifth year. I know each law schools are different whether they look at your best two years or your cumulative GPA, but do they look at your transcripts from the school you transferred from and take those marks into account for GPA calculation/or as one of your best academic years? When I transferred to my new school, my GPA was wiped clean. As well, I don’t require to take a full year’s worth of courses in order to graduate this year in my fifth year, but if I do extra courses to bump my GPA, will they count those even if they are additional courses not required for me to graduate? I have been trying to do research these questions on chat forums and on Canadian Law school websites but I have had no luck.

I appreciate any help!

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