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do schools wait until after the Feb test to look at your application even if you've written lsat?

in General 760 karma
Hey guys,
I wrote the December LSAT but i indicated that i might be writing the February lsat on my OLSAS applications (Canada). Does this mean they won't review my application until after the February results come out? Does anyone know?


  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @"DEC_LSAT" said:
    Does this mean they won't review my application until after the February results come out?
    Yeah, it will be put on hold until your feb score is released. Once your score comes out, it will automatically be put for review :)
  • MrSamIamMrSamIam Inactive ⭐
    2086 karma
    I believe that is the case. Either that, or they may review your application, but not come to a decision until they receive your February score. Not entirely sure which it is, but I am almost positive that they will not decide whether to admit, waitlist, or reject you until they've reviewed your most recent (February) score.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    Btw does this mean your new name is FEB_LSAT?
  • DEC_LSATDEC_LSAT Alum Member
    edited December 2016 760 karma
    @montaha.rizeq said:
    Btw does this mean your new name is FEB_LSAT?
    HAHA no, i hope not. i really am hoping i did well on the Dec lsat so i can personally call all the schools and tell them to review my application in January!! praying for some patience :)
  • jaybee88jaybee88 Alum Member
    165 karma
    If your application is otherwise complete, then in Jan the school would have everything they require to evaluate you. If your profile is competitive what would be the reason for them to continue to wait just because you are registered for Feb?

    I am in the same boat as @dec_lsat. Also in Canada.


    Just wondering how you know what you said or why you suspect it to be true? It makes a big difference for me.

    Thanks! :)
  • MrSamIamMrSamIam Inactive ⭐
    2086 karma
    @jaybee88 Can't be 100% certain. I believe I read somewhere (probably TLS and on here) that, if LSAC/your schools are notified of a pending Feb score, your applications are put on hold until that score is released.
  • DEC_LSATDEC_LSAT Alum Member
    edited December 2016 760 karma
    @jaybee88 said:
    If your profile is competitive what would be the reason for them to continue to wait just because you are registered for Feb?
    i think if it's competitive enough they'll send you an offer before feb but if it's not then they won't reject you and wait (if that's the only reason you're not competitive). BUT each school has a different way of dealing with it. I called a couple of schools today and got different answers, so there you go. Also, some schools only look at december scores at the latest.
  • jaybee88jaybee88 Alum Member
    165 karma
    @DEC_LSAT thanks for responding. which schools did you call and what were their answers if you dont mind me asking.

    I know University of Calgary, Alberta and Manitoba take Dec as the last one. Did you find out anything about UVIC, New Brunswick or Dalhousie?


    And thanks @MrSamIam
  • DEC_LSATDEC_LSAT Alum Member
    760 karma
    @jaybee88 said:
    Did you find out anything about UVIC, New Brunswick or Dalhousie?
    No, i couldn't get a hold of Dal. I only called Ottawa and Queens and Ottawa said they prefer to only look at the first score once your file is considered complete. Queens said they will not make a decision until they receive the feb one but was ambivalent about reading it once it's complete. i think it depends on which pile you're in based on your stats. I also applied to Alberta and Calgary and i know Alberta is very interested in GPA. Did you apply to any ontario schools? I'll try to get a hold of them tomorrow.
  • danielznelsondanielznelson Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    4186 karma
    Some schools will move forward as normal with your application, especially if you ask them to.

    I used to think that schools universally withheld consideration but have been told the opposite by people who would know - that is, they at least went as far to say there are exceptions. Of the two schools I visited, one said they'd move forward as normal, and the other said they would if I wanted them to or didn't email them about my upcoming test score, should I sign up for the Feb LSAT.
  • jaybee88jaybee88 Alum Member
    165 karma
    @dec_lsat thanks so much for responding! And no I didnt apply to any schools in Ontario.

    thanks for your input, really. :)
  • mcmlaw36mcmlaw36 Alum Member
    631 karma
    @"DEC_LSAT" said:
    I only called Ottawa and Queens and Ottawa said they prefer to only look at the first score once your file is considered complete. Queens said they will not make a decision until they receive the feb one but was ambivalent about reading it once it's complete.
    Hey, I also applied to these schools, as well as 4 others in Ontario. Do you mind going into a bit more detail on what they said?

    I'm literally in the same boat. I just wrote December, but after that horrendous LG surprise, I changed my OLSAS app to reflect a future LSAT date of Feb. My best case scenario would be to receive offers before Feb and not have to write, BUT, will schools hold off on offers of admission to wait for my next LSAT score, even if my app is otherwise competitive?
  • mcmlaw36mcmlaw36 Alum Member
    edited December 2016 631 karma
    @danielznelson said:
    one said they'd move forward as normal, and the other said they would if I wanted them to or didn't email them about my upcoming test score, should I sign up for the Feb LSAT.
    Are you saying that we need to email each school individually to let them know that we may write in February? ... Changing it on OLSAS is not sufficient?
  • danielznelsondanielznelson Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    4186 karma
    @mcmlaw36 Not really sure, but I would contact them to be safe. That is, if you want your application to be considered as normal. That's my plan, and then I'll maybe use my Feb score as a way to ask for more money from the schools that admit me.
  • DEC_LSATDEC_LSAT Alum Member
    760 karma
    @mcmlaw36 they wont reject based on your dec lsat score if youve indicated on olsas that youll be writing in feb. you can still get an offer though if youre competitive so it completely depends on which pile they put you in. Every school will sort applicants differently based on the same or diff factors (PS, gpa, sketch, lsat, references, extra curriculars, etc). Dont panic, we might have done better than we thought on the dec lsat. I genuinely dont know how i did. It could go either way for me and i agree, the logic games section didnt go as smoothly as i anticipated.
  • mcmlaw36mcmlaw36 Alum Member
    edited December 2016 631 karma
    @DEC_LSAT Thanks for the info. We'll just wait and see.
  • mcmlaw36mcmlaw36 Alum Member
    631 karma
    @DEC_LSAT Hey again - deadline for Feb LSAT registration is today. Did you sign up in the meantime? I did.

    Also, where are you from in Ontario? Which location would you be writing at?
  • TheLoftGuyTheLoftGuy Alum Member
    698 karma
    Not in Canada but the schools I spoken to said they review when the file is complete regardless of the future exam unless you notify them to hold off for the new score.
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