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Am I the only one alarmed by the significantly less content for Aug 2024 Syllabus?

srmhmd-1srmhmd-1 Core Member
in General 11 karma

Hello All!

I am hoping to take the test in August 2024 & October 2024 before submitting my apps in November, and I just switched my syllabus to the newer August format…but I am alarmed that that is not enough content to study with. Am I wrong? Any tips or advice for studying? Anyone know if there is something I am missing? How are y’all prepping?

Thank you :)


  • avectravail13avectravail13 Core Member
    11 karma

    Only noticed when you pointed it out - but now I’m curious 🤔

  • Kaurlaw.Kaurlaw. Alum Member
    28 karma

    Hey! To help myself really prepare I've been watching some of the classes in the 7 sage library. There is a Logic Reasoning bootcamp that has been sooooo helpful. The instructor for it is Rahela Sami- It covers all the different types of LR. Additionally I have been using The Loophole in LSAT Logic reasoning by Ellen Cassidy and sometimes will also use the LSAT trainer.

    It's a lot but I feel like all of these give different ways to approach. The videos help clear some of my doubts when it comes to answer choices and how to choose. Rahela especially has a great approach- she tends to stop you when you're making bad habits so I catch myself when she does this. The other tools really help explain how the LSAT is structured and what to look out for. I hope this helps!

  • srmhmd-1srmhmd-1 Core Member
    11 karma

    Thank you @"Kaurlaw." Yeah I am definitely going to try that! I think I just got a bit overwhelmed on how to approach this. Focusing on question types instead of which syllabus is definitely the reminder I needed! Yeah I am a fan of the LSAT trainer tips on some too. Going to look into the others you mentioned! Thank you so much!

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