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153 Diagnostic -> 174 Thanks 7Sage!

nicholas.leon96nicholas.leon96 Alum Member
in General 210 karma

Hello fellow Sagers!

My heart and soul are bursting with joy and pride to write this post and I want to publicly thank 7Sage so much for what it has given me and how much it has helped me achieve. As the title goes I achieved an excellent score on the June administration of the test. Originally I was going to wait to post something like this until I had my marching orders as to what school I would (hopefully) be attending (and I think I will end up writing another proper endorsement on a more public forum when that happens), but I am just so happy and I think the efforts of the 7Sage team deserve to be shouted out right now, and that the rest of the community can always use more examples showing that this kind of thing is possible. This mountain can be summitted, this dragon can be slain, by anyone!

@Albert Gauthier (who I can't properly tag here) was my tutor for a brief 6 weeks and the strategies and study plans he formulated for me helped guide my journey long after our time was up. Furthermore, he made me feel like he genuinely believed in my ability and potential which was essential to my final score.

In my opinion, 7Sage is the real deal, and my improvement is the proof. For all of you soldiers out there in the trenches fighting the darkest days of your own personal battle against the LSAT, please take heart that you are in great hands and all the tools you need for success are right here for the taking.

If anyone has any questions for me please feel free to DM me or ask them here, I would be happy to lend any insight.


  • jjmv.jpgjjmv.jpg Core Member
    19 karma

    Congrats ! My only question is how did you keep yourself accountable to study consistently? I may be burned out at the moment but I have been struggling with keeping up with my studies.

  • nicholas.leon96nicholas.leon96 Alum Member
    210 karma

    @"jjmv.jpg" said:
    Congrats ! My only question is how did you keep yourself accountable to study consistently? I may be burned out at the moment but I have been struggling with keeping up with my studies.

    Thank you! Motivation is something which is unique to everyone but for me it was a mix of a sort of stockholm syndrome and a burning desire to prove myself. That is to say, after a certain point, studying became very fun for me, the test is very repetitive so it can be calming and familiar; plus I had a very strong desire to do well because I knew I was capable and that was a very strong motivator.

    If you are struggling for motivation at the moment maybe take a break. Coming back to the table with a fresh mind and a new perspective is such a valuable tool. Otherwise maybe consider lowering your study time. It may seem counterintuitive but making the process less grueling can facilitate more efficient study time or at least make it less offputting. Or maybe try switching up your study habits, that could achieve a similar effect.

  • equallyyokedequallyyoked Live Member
    473 karma

    I am joyful with you that you have reached this great score! How long between your diagnostic and your final score? Can you please share what your daily study schedule was like? Drill, full test, study repeat? Would like to hear more details if you can please share. Thank you and again, congratulations!!!

  • nicholas.leon96nicholas.leon96 Alum Member
    210 karma

    @equallyyoked said:
    I am joyful with you that you have reached this great score! How long between your diagnostic and your final score? Can you please share what your daily study schedule was like? Drill, full test, study repeat? Would like to hear more details if you can please share. Thank you and again, congratulations!!!

    Hello my swole brother, thank you for the warm wishes.

    Yes I can tell you in great detail actually. I took my cold diagnostic April 9th 2023, and took my final test on June 6th, so just a few days shy of 14 months. However, from January 2024-April 2024 I didn't study, and starting April 15th 2024 until my final test date I was full time studying, the rest of my time from April 2023-December 2023 I was only part time studying (and my studying really fell off in December anyway). So I would say something like 9 months total time spent studying.

    From April 2023-December 2023 my part time studying consisted of me studying for 2-3 hours each night after I got home from work and studying all day on Saturday on Sunday. I took PTs very frivolously, I would say a mean average of like 2.5 a week? I would not recommend studying all day on both your days off, nor taking PTs that fast, I would take only 1 PT a week, and then only if you feel ready, they are very precious resources.

    The content of those study days has two distinct eras. Before I hired Albert as my tutor I would study very haphazardly, I fool proofed logic games a lot, like a looooot, and my coverage of the other sections was sporadic (I was always a strong reading comp tester, but my LR was middling and m LG was horrific). However, after Albert and I teamed up, he focused my schedule a lot, and what I mean by that is I got a real schedule lol, which is something I would definitely recommend, write yourself a schedule and treat it like you were going to the gym. Same as you might do an upper/lower/leg split, you do alternate LR and RC in a schedule. Also Albert got me down to 1 PT a week and "forced" me to take a rest day. As I write this it sounds like no brainer shit but I guess I just didnt have a brain.

    After my 4 month break from studying, when I came back to it, I followed that schedule that Albert wrote me the year before except now I was studying roughly 8 hours a way, with lots of breaks in between. And on top of the schedule I added extra LG practice, heavy heavy heavy LG practice.

    I hope that was sufficient for you, good luck!

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