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Downtown Toronto Area-- Looking for a study group for the September 2024 LSAT, folks aiming for 170+

angie20166angie20166 Live Member
edited July 4 in Study Groups 32 karma

Hi everyone!

I'm looking to form a study group in downtown Toronto for the September LSAT, aiming for a score of 170 or above. We can meet either in person and virtually.

The main goals for our group will be:
- Hold each other accountable
- Work through problems
- Schedule practice tests
- Keep each other motivated 😊

I'm preparing for the September 2024 LSAT and would love to connect with someone committed to regular, consistent study. If you're dedicated and interested, message me!


  • maryb.0920maryb.0920 Core Member
    edited July 5 29 karma

    Hi!! Toronto based here and would love a study buddy! There are already a few of us in a Discord I joined. Let me know if you would like the link!

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