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The Loophole and 7sage

emwiki1602emwiki1602 Core Member
edited July 11 in General 43 karma

For those who have read the loophole, should I finish the CC on 7sage before reading or integrate both. I bought The Loophole as an addition resource. I am almost done all the question types on 7sage and have about 60% left and was doing well with the questions types and picking them up really easily but now as I am reaching the last few question types I am starting to struggle a lot (Weaken and SA). I wonder if I should begin reading the loophole to help Or if I should just continue to finish the CC since I am 60% done and then once Ive gone over all the question types on 7sage and then read the loophole as supplementary material to help with my weak areas?


  • StudySaladStudySalad Live Member
    18 karma

    Sample size of 1 here. I completed the core curriculum and then got Loophole after that to ensure I wasn't missing certain connections. I think the 7Sage core curriculum is far more comprehensive than Loophole, though the way Loophole approaches certain concepts may help bring some clarity if not simply because it is a different perspective.

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