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Are August Format Experimental Sections Easier?

bruceleobruceleo Alum Member
in General 7 karma

Hi everyone! Every time I take a prep test in the August format I always do much better in the experimental section compared to the others.

Is that section supposed to be easier? Has anyone else had this experience? Thanks!


  • 155 karma

    I am pretty sure they are just going by what they might think the August tests will look it by practicing more LR sections. No one will know until the first August test takers tell us how the experience is and what the new test is like.

  • nbbran21nbbran21 Alum Member
    30 karma

    From what I recall, I think the experimental sections are sections that have always been experimental?

  • beyondpossumbeyondpossum Live Member
    89 karma

    Nnbran21 is correct. I personally find it a crapshoot which is easier.

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