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157-161 score ceiling, how can I improve being stuck in the mid to high 150/ low 160s

conmcgooconmcgoo Alum Member
in General 11 karma

Hi, I have been studying consistently for quite a few months and consistently get anywhere from -4 to -10 on LR, and around -8 to -12 on rc depending on the difficulty. My max score timed is 161 and blind review 165ish. I plan to take it in September but am really struggling with getting consistent 160+ scores. Does anyone have advice on how to get there? I study hours every day.


  • ntrepanier5ntrepanier5 Alum Member
    328 karma

    Couple of suggestions:

    1) Join a study group if you're not already in one, preferably with people in a similar score range. A lot of the improvements on the LSAT come from recognizing (often for the first time in your life) your idiosyncracies in terms of how you approach certain questions or even interpret certain words.

    2) Take breaks! Especially as you get down to the wire in September, overloading your brain is not the solution. Your brain needs time to digest what you're feeding it.

    3) Are you Wrong Answer Journaling? If no, then you should be. If yes, make sure you have a consistent schedule for reviewing that thing.

    4) Give yourself a pat on the back because you've already been GRINDING for a few months.

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