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JY Read me!

slizzardslizzard Member
edited August 2015 in General 105 karma
Hi JY,

I've been getting through the curriculum at my own pace this last year, but I'd just like to say thank you so much for creating this curriculum. I plan to write 7sage a great review once I'm done with the curriculum and LSAT in December, but I'm so thankful this program exists. I first struggled with LSAT in 2012 with Stratus Prep's summer intensive. I remember thinking there's no way I'll ever understand this material because my instructor at the time seemed to almost enjoy talking over our heads. Then, I had a tutor who taught me much of the basics, but never could go beyond and get to the depth of what I needed to understand logic. Once again, I felt hopeless - that was in 2013. The last year, I've slowly but surely been working on the LSAT at my own pace and I'm finally realizing the flaws in my learning one day at a time. Yesterday, I had such an ah-ha moment when I realized the conditional logic rules cannot be applied to existential quantifiers. It was a huge moment for me. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for creating a curriculum that really goes into the greatest detail of explanations. After doing Teach for America for two years, I fully understand how hard it can be to create a curriculum and also differentiate based on everyone's learning needs. You are an awesome teacher and I am incredibly impressed.



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