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Any tips on how to get better at Necessary Assumption and Flaw in 4 weeks?

Aks_ZenMasterAks_ZenMaster Live Member

I'm taking the November LSAT and NA and Flaw have been really giving me a hard time, especially NA. I was really good at them like a month ago but for some reason I am unable to pick the correct answer now. I've tried the Must be True trick, but end up taking out the correct answer and start negating the 2 wrong answers - which evidently don't get my anywhere. I also read the Ellen Cassidy loophole. Any tips/tricks to help? Or videos you guys recommend?


  • 161 karma

    Yes check out this video, it will make sense for NA:

  • gudinonaomigudinonaomi Live Member
    14 karma

    Here is my two cents. I did some research and came to the conclusion that I needed to step away for a few days. I know it is difficult when you are on a schedule but I was eager to keep doing drills and practice questions to get a high score. IT ABSOLUTELY killed my motivation seeing my scoring go down on drills. Took 4 days off and then took the second PT. and managed to score the 171. When just two weeks ago I had scored a 156 on my first practice test. Point is, based on what you wrote, you might simply just be over thinking everything.

    If you were good at them a month ago. YOU ARE good at them still. I can't explain the psych behind it but it really does sound like you are simply overthinking and getting in your head. Looking at tons of "tricks" and "loopholes" only made me overthink everything I already knew. Then you start seeing more than 1 correct answer, which then just makes you take longer and then the longer you take the more you overthink and then you end up with additional "right" answers.

    Take a break. I am taking the Nov LSAT and feel I got lucky with practice exam. I have been studying about 10 hours a day 5 days a week for the last 7 weeks (don't recommend as I have no social life). Sometimes too much of a good thing will just hurt you. Take a few days. Clearly you got it before, so just let your mind rest if you can. Sorry for the long paragraphs but I can totally relate. Sending you good vibes! 😎

  • Aks_ZenMasterAks_ZenMaster Live Member
    36 karma

    @gudinonaomi Thank you!! Took a couple days off and I actually am seeing it much better now!! I definitely started overthinking every answer choice and came to a point where I thought 3 answer choices could be right, not anymore though:) Thanks for the tip!

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