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Feeling discouraged? Help needed

Vanessa J123Vanessa J123 Live Member

Hi all! I received my results and I am extremely disappointed. I had scored a 156 and 157 previously and I just scored 156 again. I really want to break 160, although I had broken 160 on multiple prep tests. I am totally confused and shocked. I felt that I had a great grasp on the questions. Can anyone give any advice? I previously registered for the November LSAT just in case, so I have just over two weeks to lock in.


  • zswalsh1zswalsh1 Core Member
    31 karma

    Have you scored the 160+ on your most recent PTs, or were they taken a long time ago? If they're recent, it's very possible that stress impacted your performance on the official exam and is something that you can try to manage a bit more before your next exam. There are many discussion posts on here that discuss ways of managing stress on test day, so you might want to check those out!

    It's also very possible that your high 150s/160 variance is due to weakness in certain questions that weren't very present on the PTs that you scored 160+ but were more common on the official exams that you scored in the 150s. Since you can't access specific analytics on the official test, you'll need to analyze your PTs and drills for any major weaknesses that stand out and then focus on those weaknesses (such as a lot of drilling) before November.

    Hope this helps, and happy studying!

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