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Does anyone have experience working with a tutor, on top of 7sage?

dd7sage625dd7sage625 Core Member
edited October 23 in General 18 karma

If so, have you found that it helps and is worth the money? Any possible recs?

I just received my October test results and my score was nowhere close to where I need it to be and was even worse than PT results. I also had technical issues during my last section of the exam which definitely affected my score. I am currently registered for the November LSAT but will likely push it back to January because I know this amount of time with a different study approach would allow me to improve my score.

Any help here would be much appreciated, as I have not looked into tutors much at all before today. It's been a frustrating day to say the least but I know I can't change anything and just have to move forward.


  • nia.mcblnia.mcbl Live Member
    22 karma

    I tried varsity tutors because one of my friends also studying for the lsat liked it and recommended it. I think it is very hit or miss because they match you with a tutor and some are good and some are bad and you can't get a refund. I got a bad one and didn't want to waste time getting matched with another so then bit the bullet and paid for 7sage tutoring which has been great. I feel like even though I only do one hour of tutoring a week the one-on-one help and study schedule has made my process feel a lot more intentional.

  • dd7sage625dd7sage625 Core Member
    18 karma

    Thanks a bunch for the response! This is helpful.

  • melissa1507melissa1507 Core Member
    3 karma

    I'm using Prep for Success Tutors. Very reasonably priced, and I'm progressing very quickly. The structure is great for me, and the tutors all have 175+ LSAT scores.

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