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Earlier PTs easier?

SubpoenaColadaSubpoenaColada Core Member
edited October 24 in General 49 karma

Hi everyone, I've recently drilled timed sections from the earlier PTs (1-15) and have seen my LR section score improve from about -4/-5 (later PTs) to -2/-3 (earlier PTs) and my RC score improve from -4 (later PTs) to -2 (earlier PTs) in the past two weeks. I've also noticed that I'm able to breeze through the questions faster with time to spare and more confidence at the end of the section. Is this most likely a reflection of an actual skill improvement, or are the earlier PTs easier? There seems to be varying information and opinions about the weight that should be given to earlier PTs.

It's also very likely that I am reading too much into the minor variance from the earlier PTs to current PTs, but I'm a bit nervous to see the results of a new, more recent PT.

Thank you in advance!

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