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Organizing prep material

khanhusna573khanhusna573 Live Member
in General 4 karma

Hi guys!

I was wondering how everyone takes their study notes while going through the syllabus. I have been using google docs, but I am realizing that all the pages are making me overwhelmed. Is there a physical book for 7sage that has descriptions for the logical reasoning section and tips? I think the multiple sections in the logical reasoning section is making me confused and feel lost about to take notes. Thanks!


  • SubpoenaColadaSubpoenaColada Core Member
    293 karma

    For each LR question type, I took notes on:
    1) what my task is for the q / what the q is asking for
    2) the common question stem wording for it
    3) any specific question I want to review from drills that gave me trouble (e.g. PT_X_ Q_X_)
    4) Mistakes to avoid / things to remember to change any misconceptions or errors I am starting with that obv don't align with the actual curriculum and videos
    5) Any additional tips

    My notes were honestly super brief, with just key things to remember. and a max of 3/4 of a page per LR question. Beyond that I would get super overwhelmed too. Obv my method won't work for everyone, but it might be worth giving it a try.

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