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I consistently get the 6-7 questions wrong on each section, any advice?


I get 6-7 questions wrong on each section. In the LR section, it is pretty much one of each type. I know my weakness mostly is the NA questions, but I still get 1-2 of them wrong, how do I get better? I have been consistently drilling but no results.


  • natemanwell1natemanwell1 Core Member
    48 karma

    learn the techniques for solving each type of question and learn all the incorrect answer types

  • s-1334200s-1334200 Core Member
    108 karma

    If you are getting ones wrong but of different types it may not be a content issue but rather a strategy/timing issue. Read what i wrote in this post and maybe this will help?

    I also read this article years ago when i studied for the SAT and it changed how i approach standardized tests. It is by no means the exact same as the LSAT but it is definitely worth a read.

  • SubpoenaColadaSubpoenaColada Core Member
    190 karma

    I was in the same situation at one point. 6-7 wrong likely means one, or several of the following: (1) the questions you get wrong are of a specific difficulty level (i.e. more difficult), which is exposing an underlying weakness in those question types (2) you're timing is off, perhaps you're rushing through them or are at a specific point in the section where timing anxiety has increased (3) you haven't been thoroughly blind reviewing / reviewing your mistakes. A big indicator for whether it's a lack of full understanding or a timing issue is whether you get the answers correct during blind review.

    Also, remember that progress will come with time as long as you properly review and drill your weaknesses.

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