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Completion in 35 minutes

180forme1993180forme1993 Member
in General 7 karma
What does it mean if I'm consistently only getting to around Q # 20 within 35 minutes? I am consistently getting 18/20 right, with 5 omitted. But when I extend beyond the 35 minutes and go to 40ish/45ish, I get around 22-23/25. In other words, within the time limit I typically go around -7, but when I go beyond I am only about -3. Is it because I'm too slow a reader/mental processor? My accuracy for the ones I do attempt is very good. How can I get faster? Is this just a matter of experience and practice? I'm taking the October LSAT next month.


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    You're most likely spending way too much time on the easiest questions, and a bit too much time on the hardest questions. You need to force yourself to move on and keep a steady pace. Circle a question you don't understand and come back to it later. There are easy questions sprinkled throughout so you need to get to those one way or another.
  • 180forme1993180forme1993 Member
    7 karma
    Thanks Pacifico. I've heard that some try to do the first 10 Q's in 10 minutes. Should I aim for that on top of what you suggested?
  • lsatblitzlsatblitz Alum Member
    521 karma
    It has helped me to try and get the first 15 in 15 minutes. This is usually only possible if I skip the really wordy ones and come back at the end.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @180forme1993 said:
    Should I aim for that on top of what you suggested?
    I always aim for 15 in 15.
  • tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
    2573 karma
    Make sure that your fundamentals are as tight as possible. Are you spending too much time on certain question types? My timing was off because my understanding of certain question types was shaky. I would still get the questions right, it was just killing my time preventing me from finishing the section on time. I guess checking your analytics wouldn't necessarily tell you what you need to know because you are getting the questions right, just maybe spending too much time on them. Do you notice you're spending more time on some questions and not others? Take note of that. Also, I think @nicole.hopkins suggested something before about lapping to see how long you're taking on each question. I think you hit the clock to start over after each question and at the end you'll see the time spent for each question. I'm not sure of the details but after a few PT you may be able to see which questions you're spending longer on. Then you can create your game plan. Maybe you skip those question types on your initial go thru if they're not extra easy and come back at the end. Even if you don't have time to come back at least you had a shot at the last five. You can guess on those you skipped and could still possibly get points for them. At least you're no longer guaranteed nothing less than -5. You'll also get better with more practice.
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