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Lack of Consistency

aamirviraamirvir Member
in General 51 karma
Is anyone experiencing a lack of consistency similar to mine? When I first started PT-ing I started strong with a 167, 168, then a 171. Against the advice of 7sage I was taking PTs everyday and consequently my scores started to fall, for about 8 exams my score was in the 164-166 range and then I hit a 160. At that point I decided I shouldn't be taking PTs everyday. I took a few days off, and then started on a one day on one day off schedule. When I got back I thought I had it figured out - PT 58 - 170, PT 59 - 173. Now I just finished scoring PT 60 and I got a 165. I respect the beast that the LSAT is, but I just can't seem to formulate the appropriate strategy to attain consistent test scores. I am doing proper BR and dissecting every question in my review. Any tips or pointers would be much appreciated.


  • vtlvtl Member
    103 karma
    Like you alluded, taking PTs everyday is too much. For me whenever I attempt to take tests on consecutive days, I feel like on the later tests I'm on "autopiliot" mode, in a bad way - like when reading passages or stimuli my mind is just going through the motions and not as active as it required to score in the 170 range.

    The common wisdom on the 7sage these days seem to be:
    1) Take no more than 3 pts a week
    2) When you blind review, consider doing it on a fresh PT i.e. print out a new copy
    3) Trust the process, give yourself enough time to improve slowly and try out to stress over when you'll be ready, and instead just enjoy the ride knowing you'll get there eventually.

    #3 was something that I personally really developed recently. I was living a life that seemed to be dictated by deadlines, or hitting targets. When it comes to the LSAT, I've found that changing my short term goals into more of effort goals or methodology goals has helped me tremendously. It also reduced a lot of my anxiety.
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