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Course Selection

ruiskul7ruiskul7 Alum Member
in General 6 karma
Hello, I'm planning to take the February test. I am currently reading through LSAT Trainer and PowerScore as well as going to school full-time. I am not confident enough about Logic Games and am considering registering for one of 7Sage prep course. The two courses in contention are Starter and Premium.Though the Trainer is immensely helpful with Logical Reasoning, I find Logic Games difficult to grasp. Which course would be ideal considering this time frame and circumstance? Suggestions and comments welcomed. Thank you!


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Either one is fine since they all have the full curriculum. If you're just looking for LG then get the starter and splurge on an LG bundle from Cambridge or everylsat.
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