1. Is there a limit to the number of pencils we can bring to the testing center or have on our desk during the test?
My mom gave me a weird look as I sharpened my ~20 pencils and I double-checked the guidelines which say we "must bring... (3) three or four sharpened No. 2 or HB pencils, with good erasers." I take it that this doesn't mean that we can ONLY bring 3/4?
2. Does chapstick count as a "medical product"? :P
Seriously though, I'm kind of addicted to it. I jokingly say that my greatest LSAT success wasn't (finally) getting -0 on Logic Games or (finally) breaking 170, but rather managing to go an entire section without putting on chapstick. I can definitely live without it tomorrow, but it'd be nice to have it on me...just in case.
Like I said, these are dumb questions and I'm not stressing over them. But it'd be nice to know now vs. tomorrow.
Thanks and good luck everyone!
As for the Chapstick, I would say that it's ok. But if you don't wanna risk anything, then don't bring it.