December is fine... People get six figure scholarships off of wait lists in the spring so ignore the hive mind that says it is too late... As stated above, make sure everything is finished and uploaded in LSAC so it's just a matter of pushing send once your score comes back.
Um... no... living example... Dec 2014 LSAT - now at Georgetown Law... which would explain the late night forum lurking... when the brain is fried after a happy weekend's issue spotting, reading, outlining and legal writing. Yes this is the life. LOL... jk... its tough but I enjoy it and I have 7sage to thank for it.
But yeah... given the current trends... December is TOTALLY fine... you'll even be able to sneak in early apps at some schools... don't think about it too much and give your best to the test!!! May the force be with you... live long and prosper... the sith life chose me... we have a hulk!!! (Well maybe not those last two though in the world of LSAT prep 7sage could compare to the Hulk because Hulk strongest there is!!! )