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Question about the LSAT Trainer

Ron SwansonRon Swanson Alum Member Inactive ⭐
in General 1650 karma
Hi everyone,

I took the October exam on Saturday and felt that it went ok. I'm planning to take Dec regardless to make sure I get a score I'm satisfied with.

I have never used the LSAT Trainer and would like to know what exactly it does well/differently from 7sage? I feel that 7sagers have a good grip on what test materials are good and why. So what are the strengths/weaknesses of the LSAT Trainer?

My biggest struggle sections have become LR and RC.



  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    If those are your biggest struggles, then you would definitely benefit from a thorough reading of the Trainer. For LR, the best part in my opinion is the approach he uses to find flaws. Since such a large majority of questions in LR focus on finding the flaw and addressing it in a very specific way, this one aspect alone I think could lead to LR gains. As far as RC, he completely focuses on reading for reasoning structure and teaches it thoroughly. He also focuses in depth on various RC question types and explains why answers are wrong and why they are right.
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