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Study strategy advice moving forward

megsvyas_OVOmegsvyas_OVO Alum Member
edited October 2015 in General 218 karma
Fellow 7Sagers, I need some help on proceeding how to move forward with my prep. I just recently finished the curriculum and took June '07 and PT20 as timed PTs. I did thorough BRs on both of them - first June '07 and then PT20. My main concern/issue was how much I actually remembered of the PT20 LR from the curriculum, and honestly felt that this could not possibly be representative of an actual PT. Before any of this, I initially thought to myself "I'm going to PT every single test 1-35 and BR thoroughly and then move forward to 35+," but I realize this would not be conducive, and is probably too rigid of a mindset. I can't possibly take 1-35 as timed PT takes, I need to build stamina AND have material too drill, rather than just doing PT takes.

My strategy moving forward is below, but please feel free to help me alter it. I don't want to touch PT35+ until I have touched and done BR on the PTs below 35. Is this a fair way to approach it?

-Use PT 15-30 to drill timed sections, slowly building up stamina (by increasing section takes) and do a thorough BR on all sections (and obv fool proof LG) -- the reason I thought these would be best for timed drilling is because a lot of this material appears in the curriculum.

-Take 1-14 and 31-35 as timed PTs, and do thorough BR on them (fool proofing LG). This will give me practice on timed tests, after I've built up stamina and done BR on other material.

My issue is: am I trying to be too methodological about this? Should I just drill timed sections, and then move forward with PTing 35+? This is especially relevant to LG -- I want to do a "finish the bundle"-like approach -- maybe I really should just work on fool proofing all games from 1-35 and drilling the other remaining sections on there and then move forward?

I'd love any help/advice!!!


  • EmergingAttorney180EmergingAttorney180 Alum Member
    133 karma
    @megsvyas said:
    My issue is: am I trying to be too methodological about this? Should I just drill timed sections, and then move forward with PTing 35+?

    You're being too methodological about this =P

    From PT35 on, you've got about 40 Preptests to work with. That should be more than enough to help you reach your potential. Consensus seems to be to use the older tests for drilling- of course you can do a few PTs and BRs with them if you'd like.

    Also, might I suggest picking up the LSAT Trainer if you haven't already, given that you finished the 7sage curriculum.
  • megsvyas_OVOmegsvyas_OVO Alum Member
    218 karma
    Thanks @EmergingAttorney180 for the response! Okay, yeah, you're right. I am being too methodological. Shoot. Thanks for talking some sense into me! I will surely throw in a few PTing attempts and BR with 1-35, but for the most part, I'll use it to drill. Seriously, your advice has relieved me.

    I've throughly gone through the Trainer, too! Thanks.
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