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BR vs Original Score

Sheri123Sheri123 Alum Member
in General 1196 karma
Hi everyone, I was just wondering is there a way to keep the original as well as the BR score for each test? Or should we just keep the original score on the 7Sage site? I just think it would be helpful to compare progress or lack of in both, especially in the early stages of PTing. Thank you in advance for your feedback.


  • allison.gill.sanfordallison.gill.sanford Alum Inactive Sage
    1128 karma
    You can keep track of both on the LSAT analytics, enter your original answer choices and then click on the question number; another row will appear in blue, that is for your BR answer choices.
  • Sheri123Sheri123 Alum Member
    1196 karma
    Awesome, thank you so much for the quick response allison.gill.sanford!
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