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Law School Scam Blogs

mustbetruemustbetrue Free Trial Member
edited January 2014 in General 7 karma
They're all over the damn internet. Some are written by obnoxious, pompous, and incredibly aggressive individuals hellbent on degrading certain schools.

Others are a bit nicer about what they're saying, but still carry the same message. Essentially, you'd be an idiot in going to law school.

How do you guys feel about these blogs? I can't say I'm too happy about their existence as well as the fact that they pop up whenever I'm browsing law schools. A bit discouraging to say the least. Is this all bullshit? All true? Are we all idiots for taking the LSAT and trying to go to law school?


  • zhenderszhenders Free Trial Member
    228 karma
    I will say this: anyone who is going to law school who hasn't done their research on the ACTUAL bar passage-required job placement of any and ALL of the schools they are considering attending is not taking law school -- and its utterly enormous monetary and time expense -- seriously.

    While many of these websites and opinions seem extreme (and some of them may be), the reality is that a great many people are attending law school, taking out loans of between 100k-200k, and are unable to find a job to show for it -- and many of those who do are unable to find jobs which pay enough to make a substantial dent in that kind of loan.

    Take these websites with a grain of salt, but listen to the core of what they are saying: that for many people, law school is a very poor investment -- and unfortunately, a particular school's job placement rate is generally at the core of things.
  • zhenderszhenders Free Trial Member
    228 karma
    I might add that is is precisely why it is SO important to absolutely kill the LSAT, and why 7sage is so valuable: scholarship money -- sometimes full rides -- can come from a halfway decent GPA and a great lsat -- and both are definitely necessary to attend the schools with the best job placement rates.
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