I did not have a good sense of how much time I was spending on individual LR questions until I started completing some of the silent videos on here. I understand this may just have been a tool 7sage came up with in response to the recent ban of PDF files. This exercise has actually helped me up my speed on individual LR questions and better gauge when I am spending too much time on any given question.
Would it be useful to have a timer on the 7Sage Up which can be set up for 1-2min geared toward LR questions only? A timer that will send a beep signal at the end of the alloyed time e.g.1:20s and automatically restart? I understand some questions take longer to solve than others but the silent timer was very helpful, unfortunately cumbersome to replicate with iphone or watch.
Any input?
But just an idea for 7Sage..... Another prep company use to have a timer where you would set your goal time for each question (say 1:10), how many question you are completing, and in what overall time (say 35 min) and it would count up to what question you should be at in that time frame. So, at 3:30 seconds it would say you should be on question 3. Then at 35 min the timer would go off for times up. I found it great to get a sense of timeframe/help develop an internal clock when I was first starting to drill/PT for time.