Hey everyone! I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a write up of my experience/thoughts on studying for/taking the lsat. I got a 180 on the October test (still can't believe that happened and I keep thinking it's a mistake) and so much of the credit goes to the inspiration and helping words I found on this forum that I want to find a way to give back a bit, since I mostly lurked while studying. I wanted to gauge the interest before I spent a couple hours writing the thing, would people be interested in that? What would you want to know, if you are interested?
Edit: Here it is!
i'd be interested in the key ideas/strategies that you think helped you learn most efficiently. also, mindset throughout prep and during the test!
Would love to hear about your general approach for each section, and details about plateau's and breakthroughs during the course of your prep. Congratulations on the 180, and enjoy having law schools make it rain scholarship money all over you.
Would love to read on your strategy and how you studied for this beast.